For Sony ILX-LR1

We are excited to announce our new camera controller, designed specifically for the Sony ILX-LR1! We built it from the ground up, creating an entirely new device that retains the best features of the ENTIRE R3 while eliminating all its limitations.
EXIF geotagging
Single USB connection
Full camera control
For Ardupilot and PX4
Coming soon!

Single USB-C connection

Camera control and EXIF geotagging is  done via one single USB-C connection and optional trigger detection connection. This is huge step forward from our previous solutions! No need for expanders, or other devices. Everything is done via single USB-C connection.

Full camera control

TAG-E provides full camera control via a single USB-C connection, including triggering, exposure adjustments, and remote activation of all camera buttons (like MENU or arrows) over USB. Entering MENU, navigating through all items, playing recorded images / videos. Control of: ISO | IRIS | S.SPEED | EXP.CORR | EXPOSURE MODE | AF ACTIVATION | AF MODE and many more.

EXIF geotagging

Extended EXIF geotagging via USB connection. TAG-E can tag your images with many extended information, like GPS | RTK | CAM R+P+Y | DATE | GPS TIME | IMU&GPS ACCURACY | RANGEFINDER | UTC TIME | FIX TYPE | FOCAL LENGTH

Designed for Sony ILX-LR1

TAG-E was designed from scratch specifically for Sony ILX-LR1. This ground breaking camera is now much more accessible for Ardupilot / PX4 drone builders and very soon also for DJI!

PPS synchronization

The PPS input introduces a new level of time synchronization for precise UTC time reception. With a PPS-capable GPS/RTK, you can achieve extraordinary precision in RTK position geotags with sub 1cm precision!

Video geotagging

This new feature is generating subtitles for your movies recorded during the flight. Subtitles contains position of the movie frame and also camera attitude, laser distance measurements and etc. Subtitles are saved with the video in the camera SD card.

Ardupilot camera control protocol

TAG-E supports the ArduPilot camera control protocol for seamless integration with all control software. It is also MavCam bacward compatible and fully supports all ENTIRE R3 commands for an easy upgrade!

Sony camera SDK to MavLink

TAG-E can also expose all Sony SDK control features directly to MavLink. Via custom TUNNEL message we can will bring you access to control any additional feature you need or create your own camera control application with TAG-E!
Europe based and drone industry passionate. All our gear is made primary for us.
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